The 4-H Piggy Bank competition is available to all 4th-12th grade 4-H members. Members create, build and design a piggy bank with a theme focused on saving money.
The 4-H Piggy Bank Pageant is a county and state level Extension activity with the purpose of helping young people start the habit of saving early in their lives. One county winner in each category was eligible for a statewide contest held in April. First, second, and third place entries in each grade category were awarded small prizes. 161 4-Her’s entered the Piggy Bank contest in 2023-2024 at their local school clubs. 37 of those were blue ribbon winners that were brought back to the Extension Office to be entered into the county contest. Wilson Bank and Trust’s AVP – Regional Marketing and Community Relations Manager, Mindy Simmons and Tuckers Crossroads FCE member, Kenny Nix were the special judges for contest. The winners are listed below. At the state level, the “Best of the Best Award” winners will be selected by staff and faculty of the UT Extension Family and Consumer Sciences department in Knoxville. People’s Choice Award winners will be decided based on greatest number of online votes received at
2024 County winners were as follows:
2024 State 4-H Piggy Bank Contest Winner 5th Grade Axli Reynolds

- Your bank can not be bigger than 12 inches by 12 inches
- Your Bank can be as creative and different as you want it to be…..use anything you want to.
Flyer and rules for the 2024-2025 Piggy Bank Contest