What is 4-H?
Young people participate in 4-H through clubs, special interest groups, after-school programs, camps and many other activities. “Learning by Doing” through hands-on activities and community involvement empowers 4-H’ers to develop and strengthen life skills. Although there are many common activities, each county in Tennessee has its own unique program and areas of emphasis. 4-H is a unique educational program for boys and girls in grades 4th through 12th. 4-H is open to everyone and provides equal opportunities in all programs.
History of 4-H
4-H in Tennessee began in the early 1900’s as an educational program to help youth in rural areas develop skills in agriculture and home economics. What began as a Corn Club for boys and a Canning Club for girls, soon expanded into many areas of agriculture and farm family activities. As the youth development program of the University of Tennessee Extension Service, 4-H embodies a unique blending of county and community resources with research and teaching of Tennessee’s land-grant university.
Historically, membership in 4-H evoked images of farming activities, livestock, cooking, canning and county fairs. However, over the years, 4-H has broadened to include all youth whether they live on a farm, a rural non-farm area, and a town or suburban area. Today 4-H includes career fairs, service projects and involvement in the community, character building and much more.
4-H Pledge
I pledge my Head to clearer thinking,
my Heart to greater loyalty,
my Hands to larger service,
and my Health to better living, for my club, my community, my country and my world.

Contact Information
Morgan Beaty and Grace Harville, 4-H Extension Agents
Address: 925 E. Baddour Parkway, Suite 100
Lebanon, TN 37087
Phone: 615-444-9584
Fax: 615-443-2618
Payments can be made by cash, check or credit card in our office. Credit cards can not be accepted over the phone. If mailing checks, please make payable to The University of Tennessee.
Follow 4-H on Facebook or Instagram!
4-H T-shirt fundraiser link: https://sei.printavo.com/merch/4hsummermerch/
Wilson County 4-H Handbook 2024-2025
Wilson County 4-H School Club Information 2024-2025
4-H Programs and Information
2024-25 Contest Information
- Poster
- Speech
- Piggy Bank
- Demonstrations
- Interactive Exhibits
- Photo Search
- National Cornbread 4-H Cook-off